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Social Tools
Page history
last edited
by Pavlinka Kovatcheva 13 years, 5 months ago
Profile: Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Sciences Librarian, University of Johannesburg
Social Networking
Presentations & Papers
- Social Networking in Academic Libraries: Does it Help? GAELIC Summer Training Camp, 16 November 2010
- Right to Research: Subscription vs Open Access Journals. Presented at the OA Week @ WITS, 21 October 2010
- Open Access for Research: The Librarian overview. Presented at the UJ OA Week Seminar, 19 October 2010.
- Dr. Google Speaking! How may I help you? Presented at the SAOUG Conference, 4 August 2010.
- The Transformation of a Science Librarian: a Web 2.0 experience, Presented at the Special Libraries Association Conference - Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics Division (SLA-PAM) Division, New Orleans, 15 June 2010
- From Web 2 to Web 3: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Where is the technology taking us? Presented at the University of Johannesburg Library & Information Center Conference, 18 May 2010
- How to meet user needs in a changing world: Tips for Marketing services and products in Library 2.0 way. Free State Libraries Newsletter, August-December 2009
- Web 2.0 Applications: Blogs, Presented at the GAELIC Summer Training Camp, 26 November 2009.
- Web 2.0 Applications: Social Bookmarking, Presented at the GAELIC Summer Training Camp, 26 November 2009.
- Open Access and Web 2.0 in the Academic Library: A South African Experience: Part 1: UJ Institutional Repository & Open access initiatives, Participant presentation at the Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Access and Dissemination, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 14 October 2009
- Open Access and Web 2.0 in the Academic Library: A South African Experience: Part 2: UJ Sciences Librarian Web 2.0. Participant presentation at the Scientific information in the Digital Age: Access and dissemination, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 14 October 2009
- Social Software in Libraries: Powerful Marketing Tools for Cutting-age Librarians, Presented at the GAELIC & Friends Marketing Fair, 11 September 2009
- Metamorphosis in Academic Libraries: The virtual life of a Science Librarian, Presented at the UNISA Annual Research Symposium, 30 July 2009
- Raising Awareness in Library 2.0 way: The UJ Sciences Librarian Virtual Experience, Presented at the SANLiC Workshop, 28 May 2009
- UJ Library & Information Center and the Department of Geography: Partnership in the Making, Presented with Tracey McKey at the University of Johannesburg Quality Roadshow, August 2008
Social Tools
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